
UCLA CHIPS PlasmaTherm Workshop Dec 5, 2023 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Directions and Parking

If possible, we recommend using either Uber or taxi to arrive at the workshop using the destination
address below.

UCLA Luskin Conference Center
425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095

However, if you would prefer to drive, self parking is available at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center.

If there are no available spaces in the Luskin Conference Center, additional parking is available at parking
structure 8 located across the street just south of the Luskin Conference Center.

Self pay stations are located at the red circles .

Please note, do not park in spaces clearly marked with the Game Day reservation or reserved
for blue permit signs. 

For visitors with overnight stays at UCLA,  please refer to your confirmations from your respective
hotels in regards to overnight parking.

Luskin Hotel to Engineering BLDG 4 - Shannon Room 5th Floor


UCLA Campus Map

Visitors Parking Instructions